Thursday 5 June 2008

When I came back from office just now, my mum called me... She said, there is something she need to discuss; something important which she think I might interested to know...

I was stunned and puzzled for a moment when I heard the news... Is that so??... Why can't I figure it out earlier... How come someone who is nothing to do with my life bugging me and family with unecessary stuff?... What the heck is this???...

I don't mind if you wan't to help or contribute some ideas, but pleaseeeeeee... If you are not willing to do so, might as well you just forget about it... I'm not a person who desperately need your help!... In fact, I can handle all these by myself... Just stay away and leave me alone!...

Seriously, sometimes people are just so irritated... Especially those 'aunty' type... They are so busybody and always 'watching' on us... I feel like there is no freedom at all... Like everything I did was wrong and I can't pull myself out of it... God, please help me...

I wish I can 'send' them away from my life... So that I can have a peaceful time with my family... I just hope that this will end soon... But, when I think of it, it seems that there is no way for me to escape from it... It will keep on hunting and bugging me all the time...

"Gossshhhhh...." I need to find my way... A quick solution which will end all these... But, I can't figure out and my mind is somehow jam right now... Why all these are happening to me?... Why can't I handle it?...

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