Tuesday 31 July 2007

Untuk bacaan ringan... Saje buat korang tergelak/tersenyum hari ini... :) A British airways flight was going to Teheran from London . When it getsvclose to Teheran it starts having some kind of trouble. The pilot contacts the air tower at Teheran airport and asks for help: "Teheran, this is Captain Smith, British Airways flight 000, do you read?" "Flight 000, dis iz tehran Felight Contorol, go ahead" "Teheran, this is Flight 000, we have a problem" "Dis iz Tehran, vat kind of peroblem?" "This is Flight 000, we have lost power to our engines, please respond" "Dis iz Tehran, I reed you, peleez check some things for me, ok?" "This is Flight 000, go ahead" "Dis iz Tehran, can you get emergency power to your engines?" "This is Flight 000, negative, no power is available" "Dis iz Tehran, can you peleez bering your altitude to 20,000 feet?" "This is Flight 000, negative, our wing controls do not respond" "Dis iz Tehran, can you peleez see if you can lower your veels?" "This is Flight 000, negative, landing gears are stuck" "Dis iz Tehran, would you peleez repeet thez words after me" "This is Flight 000, go ahead" "Dis iz Tehran, repeat thez words peleez: Ashado ala elahailallah wa ashado an Mohammadan rasul Allah" Sumber asal : Tidak diketahui (E-mail)

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